

汪娜 李欣 李利 刘淑萍 吴迪 姚克纯 Shu-ping Ke-chun 空军总医院超声科 北京 100142 武警总医院超声科 北京 100039

摘要:目的 探讨超声心动图检出现役飞行员先天性心脏病对招飞体检工作的意义. 方法 回顾性分析9年间在我院超声科行超声心动图检查的现役飞行员中,因行超声心动图检查首次诊断为先天性心脏病的患者的影像学资料. 结果 发现先天性心脏病患者10例,其中主动脉瓣畸形4例,均为二瓣畸形;房间隔缺损3例,均为继发孔型房间隔缺损;冠状动脉瘘1例;永存左上腔静脉伴冠状静脉窦扩张2例.10例患先天性心脏病的飞行员9例飞行结论 为飞行不合格,1例飞行结论 为暂时飞行不合格. 结论 超声心动图检查在诊断现役飞行员先天性心脏病的过程中具有准确、安全、快捷的特点,是明确诊断的首选方法.因此,如条件允许,超声心动图应列为招飞体检的常规检查项目. Abstract: Objective To evaluate the value of echocardiography in the diagnosis of active pilot's congenital heart disease (CHD) and the applicable reference to pilot recruiting. Methods Medical data of active pilots' were gathered by taking the chance of physical exam in past 9 years'.CHD cases that were firstly diagnosed by echocardiography were reviewed. Results Among 10 picked cases of CHD,4 were bicuspid aortic valve deformity,3 were secundum-type arterial septal defect,1 was coronary artery fistula and 2 were persistent left superior vena cava with coronary sinus expansion.Only 1 pilot was enventually assessed as temporary grounding while the other 9 were disqualified. Conclusions Echocardiograph exhibits such advantages as accurate,safe and facile,and would be the first choice in diagnosing of CHD.Therefore,echocardiograph exam is suggested as a routine item in pilot recruiting physical exam.

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