

【摘要】 美国对包括中医药在内的补充替代医学的研究日益关注,研究规模与投入不断增加。中医疗法的偏重、东西方知识背景、思维方式以及对中医理论认可程度的不同导致中国和美国在中医学研究的内容和思路上存在差异。【关键词】 美国; 替代医学; 补充医学; 传统医学, 中国; 研究Abstract: Researches on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), including traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), are attracting more and more attention in the United States, and their scale and investment are progressively increasing. The differences between China and the United States in application of TCM therapies, background of Eastern and



【摘要】 中医药属于世界补充替代医学的重要组成部分,把握补充替代医学的国际形势以及中医药在其中的地位是中医药国际化的基础。本文通过分析国际社会补充替代医学的使用率、应用病种、使用者的社会人口学特征以及医学经济学情况等,探索提升中医药在海外的声誉和使用率的可行途径。【关键词】 国际性; 补充替代医学; 中医Abstract: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an important part of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the world medical market. The basis of globalization of TCM was to make sure the current situation of CAM and the role that TCM plays. It will improve the application and reputation of TCM by analyzing the global
